Hello, David Thompson here. In case you want to learn more about me than what’s in the brief bio above, here is a longer summary of my background.
From a business standpoint, probably the most important thing to know about me is that I’ve always had a passion for technology.
I grew up in a family of technology nerds. My father’s career was in electronics and, as a hobby, he was an early adopter of audiophile stereo systems. One lesson I learned from dad was the importance of work ethic and quality craftsmanship. One of my brothers is a Senior Telecom Analyst for a large non-profit organization and is also an audiophile (he builds high-end custom speaker systems). My youngest brother is the CIO of a large law firm.
While attending the University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee, I serviced electronic equipment to pay my way through college (back when that was possible). Later, when computers became mainstream, I earned a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineering degree. Since then I’ve obtained a whole host of other I.T. certifications.
My first degree from UW-Milwaukee was in marketing. That degree and my strong technology background and experience led to a majority of my career being within information technology companies as a sales engineer and, later, as a sales manager. In these roles, I helped businesses of all sizes navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology. I was proud of the fact that I became a trusted advisor to my clients.
In 2014, I decided to try something different with my career. I had always been told that I had a great voice and that I should get into radio (note — no one ever said I should get into TV). I wanted to do something more entrepreneurial, so I made a commitment to become a professional voice talent and recording engineer. Since my days at UW-Milwaukee, I had continued to stay up-to-date on everything having to do with audio technology (I’m also a professional musician), so this career change was a perfect match for my talents.
So, in September of 2014, I opened the doors of ProVoices, LLC.
I knew a lot about audio recording and I naturally had a good voice, but I didn’t want to do this in a half-baked manner. A national voice talent agent told me, “Someone telling you that you have a nice voice is the same as someone walking into your house and telling you that you have a nice piano.” So, for the last several years, I’ve made — and continue to make — substantial investments in my education and recording equipment/software to ensure I’m at the top of my game.
I’ve learned from some of the very best in the recording industry, including Grammy award-winning engineers. And, due to my investments, I now have a studio that meets the highest standards of recording quality.
As a voice talent, I have worked on projects in the commercial advertising and narrative markets with clients from around the world.
Besides learning the ins and outs of the voice talent business and audio recording, as a business owner, I’ve also learned more about marketing than in all my years as a sales engineer and sales manager. I was lucky to start my business in 2014, just as the explosion in the use of online marketing by SMBs (small to midsize businesses) was occurring — because it allowed me to develop my expertise in this new type of marketing at the same time as the rest of the SMB world was learning the ropes.
One thing I’ve discovered over the last several years is that there’s been a revolution in SMB marketing. The sales and marketing principles are exactly the same as when I was in sales, but the media element of marketing has changed dramatically.
Therefore, when I learned of Goodlook Marketing, I decided to join forces with them. They have a huge audio element to their business (podcasting, voiceovers in their e-learning courses, audiobooks, video voiceovers, and using audio in all aspects of lead generation and marketing automation) and I loved their focus on helping their clients be seen as the recognized authority in their market niche.
I still do traditional voice talent projects within the ProVoices business, but my partnership with Goodllook Marketing allows me to do so much more with my voice talent and audio recording expertise.